A replacement engine for the purpose of the Non-Road Diesel Engine Emissions Regulation Bylaw No. 1329 (the Regulation) is defined as:

  • An engine installed to replace the original engine that is of the same Tier as the original engine (i.e. Tier 0 engine replaced with Tier 0 engine).

An Engine Tier is determined by the emission standards established by Metro Vancouver, as shown on the Emission Standards Fact Sheet. However, some replacement engines are manufactured to the equivalent emission standards of the original engine. As such, owners or operators of these engines (25hp or greater) may be required to register, label and purchase operating periods in order to operate within Metro Vancouver.

Other terms associated with Emission Reduction Measures (ERMs) but are sometimes confused with replacement engines are given below. To clarify, an ERM includes re-power, remanufacture, retrofit or a similar device, alteration or technological change that reduces the particulate matter emissions from a non-road diesel engine.

  • To repower means to replace an older Tier 0 or Tier 1 engine with a less polluting higher Tier engine.

  • To remanufacture means rebuilding an engine using new parts. To reduce the PM in the exhaust, some Tier 0 and Tier 1 engines cores can be remanufactured using upgraded parts. Consult your dealer and the list of verified technologies maintained by the US EPA.

  • To retrofit means to install new devices developed to reduce PM emissions from diesel engines. Most are installed in the exhaust stream of the engine, in place of a muffler.

If you have any questions or require clarification about your replacement engine, please contact Metro Vancouver at 604-451-6655 and ask for information regarding Bylaw No. 1329 or the Non-Road Diesel Engine Emissions Regulation.

Web Resources:

EPA National Clean Diesel Campaign (NCDC), Verified Technologies List

CARB Verification Procedure - Currently Verified